Failed (never started) Pergola Project 3052 Letta’s Close, Struisbaai
Offer/Contract Nr. Quotation 490/A/2023


Payback of deposit for material: 45,779.11 ZAR



30.11.2023       offer received. 2

01.12.2023       offer accepted, payment done. 3

03.01.2024       schedule of our stay in Langezandt 3

12.01.2024       question about the schedule. 4

22.01.2024       material ordered?. 4

26.01.2024       ask for an update on the schedule. 4

27.01.2024       mention the lack of communication. 5

03.02.2024       suggest to stop the project, if no material ordered. 5

14.02.2024       he mentioned, to be behind schedule. 5

22.02.2024       He wants to talk this weekend; he never showed up!! 6

25.02.2024       I suggest, to back back the deposit (45,779.11 ZAR) 6

26.02.2024       I ask for a proof of payment THIS WEEK. 7

29.02.2024       I mention, it is end of week. 7

01.03.2024       Pieter Brits will send the proof of payment as soon it is done!!! 7

02.03.2024       I should be patient 8

04.03.2024       end  of memo. 8

Attachment #1: Offer from 30.11.2023. 8






30.11.2023    offer received

Offer from 30.11.2023 (7:49) wrong dated as 3.11.2923 attached as Att#1

            ordered same day (7:52) via WhatsApp


01.12.2023    offer accepted, payment done

            pdf offer digitally signed and sent to Pieter Brits via GMail

            Details verified about old remaining wood structure. Agreed by Pieter Brits


03.01.2024    schedule of our stay in Langezandt

            Giving some dates of our stay in Langezand,

            Asking about the order status of the beam (time critical part to be ordered)


            Pieter Brits will diarise accordingly



12.01.2024    question about the schedule

            Question about the schedule of another, small project (noise wall to the waste water


            Pieter Brits says: he will do the tiny project together with the pergola roof.


22.01.2024    material ordered?

            I ask about the schedule and the availability of the beam.


            Pieter Brits says, he will call back in half an hour to answer all my questions.

            This Voice-Message can be listened here on our Memo-Pages:


He never called back!!


26.01.2024    ask for an update on the schedule

I ask for an update on the project.



27.01.2024    mention the lack of communication

            I mention, that it all starts with a lack of communication.


03.02.2024    suggest to stop the project, if no material ordered


            I ask again for a start date, if the material is ordered. If not ordered, I suggest to

            stopp the 2 projects.  Told him, I have internet access for the next 2-3 days.

            Pieter Brits mentions, that he has to reschedule HIS projects.


14.02.2024    he mentioned, to be behind schedule

Pieter Brits mentions, that he is behind schedule. He wants to talk.



22.02.2024    He wants to talk this weekend; he never showed up!!

Pieter Brits promised to see us this weekend

He did not give us an exact date or time.

He never showed up!!

I mention, what an excellent meeting this was. As a JOKE!!!


25.02.2024    I suggest, to back back the deposit (45,779.11 ZAR)
            I showed him, that the deposit (for material) was transferred on 1st Dec. 2023.

            I suggest to transfer back the deposit and we should forget about the project.

He (first time) instantly answered and asked for my bank details.



            To remember the amount:


26.02.2024    I ask for a proof of payment THIS WEEK

            I ask for a proof of payment (pop) with this week.
            Pieter Brits answered with “thumb up”.


29.02.2024    I mention, it is end of week

            I mention, that it’s thursday (Donnerstag) and nearly END OF WEEK


01.03.2024    Pieter Brits will send the proof of payment as soon it is done!!!




02.03.2024    I should be patient

            Pieter Brits says: He will pay back. I SHOULD BE PATIENT!!!

I give a last dead-line: Monday morning, 4.3.2024



04.03.2024    end  of memo


3052 Letta’s Close

083 73 00 269


Attachment #1: Offer from 30.11.2023