Small enterprises (SMEs) do neither have the money
nor the time to implement BIG Aircraft Maintenance Software.
But small enterprises, with a few airplane only to maintain, have to fulfill all the regulation from the authorities.
To keep all administration activities on a minimum level, AirMit was built for SMEs.
The software system is designed to reduce aircraft maintenance administration. Every additional directive from the manufacturer or the authority is good luck for an Airmit operator! With the dynamic parameters the operator of Airmit is more or less independent of so called IT specialists and invulnerable against the nonstop changes on authority directives. The concept ist STRICTLY DOCUMENT DRIVEN!! For new aircraft you must not link the specific documents to the parts and components - the document knows, which part or component is affected. No need for Aircraft-templates to start with a new bird in your fleet, just specify type of aircraft or components, part numbers and serial numbers. | Project Data |
is the Balloon specific "starter-Kit" with parameters set - ready to go!!
No further development!
THE GOAL | THE IDEA The document centric approach to describe all maintenance tasks. For more details see our WhitePaper at Amazon |